(Dragon #78)
While Sage Advice isn’t official canon it was as close as it got. This installment addresses psionic questions, though most involve things that will never come up. Some clarifications, however, are useful.
Anything insightful?
- If your CHA, WIS or INT increase, you get another chance to become psionic. Alternatively, a wish can make your character psionic if you meet the required 16 INT, WIS, or CHA.
- Elves and half-elves can now be psionic.
- You can always mount a psionic defense, even if surprised.
- Thought shield is the only defense mode you can use while casting a spell.
- You cannot make a physical attack nor cast a spell and make a psionic attack in the same round.
- Thought shield is the only defence you can use if you are doing anything other than psychic combat.
- Psionic use, within the last 10 minutes, can be tracked by other psionics.
Should I share this with my players?
No, but it’s a handy reference for DMs adjudicating psionics. The important bits are summarised in ‘Anything insightful’ above. The majority of the questions are too obscure meaning there’s not enough in the article to make the ‘best of’ list.