My Best of Dragon & White Dwarf articles

I'm reviewing 1980s
White Dwarf and Dragon articles to compile my 'Best of...'

This page will hold links to the article reviews that made the best of list.

Best Classes and Races: The Barbarian, My Life as a Werebear, Merchants, Lizardmen as Player Characters, The Necromancer, And now, the psionicist, Bandits!

Best Player advice: Underestimating Druids, Stop, Thief!!, Arms at the Ready, An introduction to Dungeons & Dragons: Part IV Fighters and Thieves, The dwarf point of view, The halfling point of view, The elven point of view, Half-Orcs

Best DM advice: Psionics is different ... and that's putting it rather mildly, An introduction to Dungeons & Dragons: Part II Dungeon Mastery Styles, Beyond the Rule book. Procedure and style tips for good GMing, Banditry Inc - A Referee’s Guide to Thieves Guilds, A Guide to Dungeon Mastering. Part I: Setting up Adventures,

Best Dungeon advice: The Dungeon Architect Part III: The Populated Dungeon,

Best Monster advice: The Naked Orc - A Study in Orcish Society, Monsters Have Feelings Too, Crude But Effective. Simple tactics for humanoids,


Average Classes and Races: The Jester, The whole half-ogre, Singing a new tune. A different bard, not quite so hard, Part III: The Spell-Using Classes,

Average Player advice: Divinations and the Divine - Another Look at Clerics in AD&D, Ready for anything!, Useful Dungeon Equipment, Be aware and take care,

Average DM advice: Armed to the Teeth, Sage Advice: PsionicsTown Planner - Part I: Designing and running villagesTown Planner - Part II: Designing towns and citiesThat’s life in the big cityA Guide to Dungeon Mastering. Part II: Monsters & Magic & Part III: Some conclusionsThieves’ Den,  

Average Dungeon advice:  The Dungeon Architect Part I: The Interesting DungeonThe Dungeon Architect Part II: The Constructed Dungeon, The 7-sentence NPC


Not Great Classes and Races: Berserker, The Elementalist, War smiths, The Brownie,

Not Great Player Advice: The gnomish point of view,

Not Great DM advice: The Alchemist,

Attronarch inspired me in this series to look at the magazines of the 80's hunting for gems. He came up with a mighty list of Dragon articles as recommended by various sources around the internet. He then read each one giving them a score. I read along using the pdf's on annarchive if I didn't have a physical copy of the mag - sometimes I disagreed with the score Attronarch gave, sometimes I agreed with him and added the article to my own 'best of' pile.

Like Attronarch, I'm not seeking adventures (though I might look at them at a later point) but rather content aimed at players or DMs that has a Classic Adventure Game feel compatible with baseline AD&D play.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Thanks for posting this series. If Dragon is a treasure mine, you have laid tracks and given us a car, good sir!
