(Dragon #58)
Roger Moore delves into dwarven psychology and society, though much of it will feel familiar if you know The Lord of the Rings or D&D lore.
What’s it saying?
Roger explores dwarven life so you can better get in their heads. He explains that two-thirds of dwarves are male, and most don’t marry. Dwarves have a strong work ethic and find happiness in their labor. Marriage ends adventuring careers, as it’s seen as abandoning family duties. Surplus males often turn to adventuring or war, likened to “going Viking.”
Dwarf society is portrayed as suspicious, materialistic, and fiercely protective of wealth, killing pickpockets. They are vengeful and hold grudges. The god Moradin, father of the dwarfs, forged them from the earth which is why they feel an affinity to being underground. Roger also describes funeral rites and weaves scattered rules from the PHB, MM, and DMG into cohesive lore.
Anything insightful?
- The male-to-female ratio as a plausible reason for dwarves to take up the axe and go adventuring.
Should I share this with my players?
Yes. It consolidates the bits of dwarf lore scattered in the rules and could help bring the Lawful Good dwarven mindset to the table. While not groundbreaking, it’s an enjoyable read, though not quite worthy of the “best of” list edit: I changed my mind - this article supplements the PHB race descriptions perfectly and belongs on the 'best of' list.
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