(Dragon #79)
What’s it about?
The article starts by saying good play relies on common sense, cooperation and prioritizing the party's survival.
The core advice is strong: have the right balance of classes, prioritize defensive spells like dispel magic over offensive ones like fireball, and set clear objectives for each expedition. If you don't have an objective your goal is to scout, gather info and avoid fights. Lew stresses the importance of gathering intel—whether from rumors, sages, or reconnaissance—and tracking party items to ensure they’re used effectively, especially if others forget about them.
He discusses the power of large parties, advocating for bolstering numbers with hirelings and henchmen. However, the article loses momentum when addressing things like dealing with evil player betrayals, and overthinking camp security. Advice about concentrating fire feels incorrect, particularly with AD&D’s random target rules.
The reminder to cut your losses and run is good advice for new players, as is the warning to leave enough resources to handle wandering monsters on the way out.
The latter half of the article falters, offering questionable spell strategies and unnecessary tactics, like post-adventure doppelganger hunting. Lew’s final note—"play the referee"— feels off-putting. While he doesn’t endorse it, his advice not to give up until you’re dead and gone, based on the observation that most DMs fudge under pressure, feels ‘wrong’ despite its truth.
Any new insights?
- The advice to treat scouting and information gathering as goals when no clear objective exists.
- Tracking party magic items to maximize their utility.
- Numbers as a force multiplier underscores the value of hirelings and henchmen.
Should I share this with my players?
Yes, the first half contains practical advice. If ruthlessly edited, it would make the “best of” list. As it stands, it’s close.
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